
I am a statistician specializing in Data Sciences. I am an expert in data wrangling, analytics and machine learning methods. I studied statistics at the Bicocca University of Milan for 5 years. One of my goals is to improve every time, to do so I always find the opportunity to learn something new. This is my personal portfolio in which I will share all the projects I have done over the years.


2018-2020 (expected)
Master, statistics for data sience; Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Thesis title: Assessment of the performance of IRCCs for the purpose of allocating funding: a multilevel approach.

Bachelor, Statistic; Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Thesis title:Skills required for the sector “Professional, scientific and technical activities” through the use of web vacancies: A comparison between Countries


Most Recent Work Experience:

  • Statistician Irccs National Cancer Institute,Milan,Italy,scholarship. July 2020 - in progress

  • Data Scientist xtream,Milan, Italy December 2019 - July 2019

Volunteer experiences

  • Volunteer Workaway, England, UK July 2019 - September 2019

Technical Experience

Knowledge of the sector
Maths and Statistic
Machine Learning
Big data
Data mining
Risk management
Programming Languages
Microsoft package

Langueges, interests

  • Human Languages:

    • Italian (native speaker)
    • English
  • Interests:

    • 5 years at the conservatory
    • Sport Lover